Contract Description:
2007 Walla Walla Fish Passage Evaluation Project
September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009
This project was established to provide an evaluation of fish passage facilities and proposed operational or design changes to enhance protection of juvenile salmonids at those facilities in the Walla Walla River Basin, in Oregon and Washington. The evaluations are guided by provisions of Council Measure 7.11 (NPPC 1994) which follows from previous Council Measures [Section 800 (NPPC 1987) and Section 900 (NPPC 1984)]. The evaluations are funded by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to ensure fish passage facilities "correct structural problems at irrigation diversion dams, canals and ditches that interfere with the passage of anadromous fish" [Council Measure 7.11 (NPPC 1994)].
CONTRACT GOAL: During the period of performance of this contract (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) staff will determine whether new and existing fish passage facilities in the Walla Walla River basin are designed, operated and maintained to be in compliance with NOAA Fisheries fish protection criteria . PNNL's approach to evaluating these sites is discussed briefly in the Approach section. Specifically, the new Touchet Consolidation fish screens will be evaluated if at all possible while both the hatchery and irrigation water intakes are operating in April 2009, and the Eastside Ditch headgate and wasteway headgate will be evaluated for water velocities as changes are made to both of those structures. If changes are made at Nursery Bridge that could affect flow through the fish screen portion of that facility, it will also be evaluated. PNNL will also be available to provide technical assistance if requested by Brian Wolcott, the Walla Walla Watershed Council or other tasks under project 2007-396-00 if they identify problems that may impact fish passage within the basin.
KEY PERSONNEL: Mickie Chamness will manage this task.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: A large number of fish screen facilities in the Columbia Basin have been constructed with funding from the BPA. PNNL has been contracted to evaluate fish passage facilities in the Walla Walla Basin immediately after construction to determine if the facilities are designed, constructed, and operated to protect juvenile salmonids. This determination is based on draft design criteria for juvenile fish screens established by the National Marine Fisheries Service in 1995 (NMFS 1995). This helps ensure that the investments in construction and maintenance of fish screening facilities are providing adequate protection for migrating fishes,
APPROACH: A streamlined evaluation process has been developed during the 22 years PNNL has been evaluating Phase I and Phase II fish screen facilities in the Yakima and Walla Walla river basins (Chamness 2006). That process utilizes field water velocity measurements and compares them to National Marine Fisheries Service draft design criteria for juvenile fish screens (NMFS 1995) to determine if the sites protect juvenile salmonids. In addition, the process utilizes visual observations and underwater videography to identify fish species, monitor fish behavior, document sedimentation and debris buildup, and identify problems with screen or seal material and general maintenance and operations.
COORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES: For the field evaluation task we will work primarily with the Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council personnel, Confederated Tribe of the Umatilla Reservation, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Our work will also require coordination with irrigation and conservation districts.
Chamness. MA. 2007. Evaluation of the Dallas Thompson Riverscreen Site on the Touchet River. P102909, prepared by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the Division of Fish and Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon.
Chamness, MA. 2006. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Screens Evaluations: Nursery Bridge Fishway and Garden City/Lowden II Sites. DOE/BP-00000652-34, prepared by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the Division of Fish and Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon.
Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC). 1984. Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, Oregon.
Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC). 1987. Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, Oregon.
Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC). 1994. Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, Oregon.
Vucelick J and G McMichael. 2004. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Screen Evaluation – Nursery Bridge Fishway, Garden City/Lowden II, and Little Walla Walla Sites – 2004 Annual Report. DOE/BP 00000652-20, prepared by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the Division of Fish and Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon.
Vucelick J and G McMichael. 2003. Walla Walla River Basin Fish Screen Evaluations – Nursery Bridge Fishway and Garden City/Lowden II Sites – 2003 Annual Report. DOE/BP-00000652-15, prepared by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the Division of Fish and Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon.